Handmade leather photoalbum, traditional photoalbum, wedding album, family album, genuine leather photoalbum, tattoo album, portfolio

Handmade leather photoalbum, traditional photoalbum, wedding album, family album, genuine leather photoalbum, tattoo album, portfolio

Доступность: in stock 1 товаров
Код товара: #19747
Time to produce: 6 days
Предполагаемая доставка:

Album will be good for inserts format А4, it is size is 32cmx29cm

Спец цена:
238.75 £
Handmade leather photoalbum, traditional photoalbum, wedding album, family album, genuine leather photoalbum. A photo album for storing various types of drawings, sketches, samples of your works - can be used as a collector of works of a tattoo. It has a segregator, so you can add your work yourself, pre-inserting them into files or in any other way. Due to dense skin, wooden and metal decor perfectly holds the shape. Decor: Cover is made from a hard natural Italian leather with thikness of 4 mm. in the front and in the back it is decarated by brass elements and wood (wood Bloodwood) hand-made elements. Bolts are also brass. Such album will be beautiful present to any event. Under the order. Term of implementation of the order of about 6 days.
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